5. What was the motivation of Engineer Ruben Rojkés to start out when he created Avanco?
AVANCO is an acronym that comes from advancing by building. I am a civil engineer and construction may be a passion for me. I decided to move forward in life, building, creating, that’s what I’m passionate about. When I raise myself, Ruben, what’s what causes you to fill the most fulfilled concerning your work, I am not passionate concerning buying and selling solely, I want to create, manufacture, develop a product, that’s what I love.

6. What are Ruben Rojkés’s future goals for the business?
We have a tendency to are regarding to start out the construction of two Countries in Tucuman, and we are launching and newly started 4 new buildings. We have a tendency to are evaluating some projects in Buenos Aires. Now that I’ve got the help of my children, we tend to will probably take on the challenge. We are working on new comes on the agricultural livestock field.
7. What recommendation would you provide to future entrepreneurs?
I’d tell them to be passionate and put a lot of dedication to what they do. That they get advice from folks with more experience. I consulted a ton of veterans when I was not clear or I had doubts concerning a project. Work with a team of folks who are passionate about what they do. It is an activity that you simply can’t do without a sensible team.
8. How has the important estate sector developed in Tucumán in the last ten years?
It’s had its highs and lows, that’s the manner Argentina is. You have got to find out to play in these conditions so you do not build mistakes.
9. What are the most innovative comes that are developed within the region?
I feel that at the Housing and Countries level, our company is the one that is innovating the most within the Region, with the type of amenities of our comes, and therefore the experience of the architects that we tend to have, we are operating with a fashionable design and we are in continuous evolution.
We have a tendency to recently completed a residential building referred to as The Purpose, in that we tend to left standing a lovely previous facade of a house that’s over one hundred years recent, and combined it with stunning modern buildings. It is something that’s seen a heap in Europe but it’s the first time it is done within the area. It had been a success.
10. What are the areas of Argentina that have grown the most in recent times?
I suppose Buenos Aires is in the lead. But areas like Cordoba, Santa Fe, Tucumán, Mendoza aren’t way behind.