The price of an infrared heater or an infrared emitter varies depending on its power, whether it is long or short wave, the design, the brand or features, among other factors. When infrared heating equipment has a Wi-Fi connection or can be joined to our home automation system, its price also increases. Although this option gives us greater control and helps us increase efficiency infra fűtés.
However, for infrared heating to be adequate it must be sized correctly. Consulting a heating professional will help us understand how to evaluate each room to know which infrared radiators are appropriate. This way we will avoid errors in sizing, which can lead to problems for heat distribution.
Surveying the market, we found that the prices of infrared radiators range between €150 and €400. However, what manufacturers and distributors of infrared heaters focus most on is the savings they provide, compared to other electric heating systems.
Thus, the manufacturer Hearart promotes that the cost of its infrared heating can be only €9 per year per square meter. This represents a saving of around 50% compared to traditional heating. For its part, the Austrian manufacturer Heat4All advertises that its infrared heaters offer comfort with 70% less consumption than other systems. And the Sevillian company IR-RADIANT assures that you could save up to 80% on your electricity bill with its infrared radiators.